Parenting Styles: Finding What Works for Your Teen

by True Mommy Instincts


Parenting is a remarkable journey that includes both difficult and enjoyable experiences. Parenting dynamics change as our kids get older, and no time is this change more noticeable than during the turbulent teen years. It is crucial for parents to strike the delicate balance between providing guidance and allowing autonomy when their children are adolescents because they are on a path of self-discovery and developing independence.

In order to shed light on the art of parenting teenagers, we set out on a journey through the complex world of parenting philosophies in this blog. We are aware that every adolescent is an individual with particular needs, so it is crucial for parents to modify their methods in accordance with this understanding. We aim to arm you with the knowledge and insights required to successfully navigate this exciting yet challenging stage of your child’s life by exploring various parenting approaches. Join us as we examine various parenting philosophies and assist you in identifying the one that best supports the growth and wellbeing of your adolescent.

Understanding Parenting Styles

The methods and techniques parents employ to raise their children are referred to as parenting styles. Diana Baumrind, a psychologist, identified four main parenting philosophies that can be modified for different circumstances:

1. Authoritative: Authoritative parents encourage open communication and independence while also establishing clear rules and boundaries. They give advice and encouragement while letting their teenagers express their feelings.

2. Authoritarian: Parents who are authoritarian are strict and demanding and frequently use punishment to enforce rules. They value discipline but may be cold and rigid on the inside.

3. Permissive: Parents who are permissive are indulgent and lenient, giving their teenagers a lot of freedom and independence. Despite being nurturing, they might find it difficult to consistently enforce the law.

4. Uninvolved: Uninvolved parents are aloof and uninvolved in the lives of their teenagers. They give their teens little direction and assistance, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Finding the Right Balance

Finding the ideal ratio of control to independence while a child is a teen is essential to good parenting. Considerations for each parenting approach are as follows:

1. Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parenting is a well-rounded and successful strategy that combines definite guidelines and expectations with friendliness and open dialogue. While establishing limits, parents also let their kids express themselves and make decisions. Providing direction and support while honoring the child’s uniqueness, this parenting style promotes independence, accountability, and healthy development.

Tips for authoritative parenting:

  • Foster open communication: Encourage your teen to express themselves without worrying about being judged.
  • Be a role model: Show your teen by example the morals and conduct you want them to adopt.
  • Set reasonable boundaries: Establish rules with clear consequences, and consistently enforce them.
  • Provide emotional support: When your teen needs direction or solace, be there for them.

2. Authoritarian Parenting

Parenting with an authoritarian approach places a strong emphasis on obedience and discipline while being strict and demanding. They establish strict regulations and uphold them with little room for wiggle room or compromise. They may be cold and unsupportive despite having high expectations for their kids’ conduct and performance. Through the strict control their parents impose, this strategy may result in well-behaved but potentially anxious or rebellious kids who struggle to develop autonomy and decision-making abilities.

Tips for authoritarian parenting:

  • Balance rules with understanding: Recognize the value of adaptability and empathy when applying the law.
  • Encourage open dialogue: Give your teen the chance to express their worries and opinions.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior and efforts rather than using punishment as the only tool.

3. Permissive Parenting

In a permissive parenting style, parents are generally indulgent and lenient, giving their kids a lot of freedom and autonomy. They frequently avoid enforcing strict rules and boundaries and are more inclined to place greater emphasis on support and nurturing than on discipline. While this parenting style can encourage independence, it can also cause children to struggle with self-control and decision-making because there aren’t any explicit rules or guidelines.

Tips for permissive parenting:

  • Set limits: Establish firm limits and consequences while still allowing for freedom.
  • Offer guidance: Participate in your teen’s life and offer guidance as needed.
  • Encourage responsibility: Teach your adolescent to accept responsibility for their choices and actions.

4. Uninvolved Parenting

Parents who are emotionally distant and disengaged from their children’s lives are characterized as practicing uninvolved parenting, also referred to as neglectful parenting. Their involvement in their children’s upbringing is minimal, and they largely leave them to fend for themselves. Through a lack of care and attention, this parenting approach can be detrimental to a child’s emotional and psychological growth. In order to encourage wholesome growth and development in their children, parents must understand the significance of being actively involved in their lives.

Tips for uninvolved parenting:

  • Reconnect with your teen: Make an effort to become involved in their lives and to express interest in their pursuits.
  • Seek professional help: Think about family therapy or counseling if you’re having trouble connecting with your adolescent.


Being a parent during the adolescent years requires flexibility and comprehension. The authoritative approach tends to strike the best balance between nurturing and discipline, though each parenting style has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no one parenting style that works for everyone, it’s important to keep in mind. What functions for one adolescent might not function for another. In the end, the secret is to adjust your parenting approach to your teen’s particular needs and personality. Be willing to change your strategy as they develop and alter. It’s critical to establish a solid, trustworthy relationship with your adolescent so that you can face adolescence’s challenges together. Keep in mind that parenting is a learning process, and that it is acceptable to ask for advice and support when necessary. You can determine the parenting approach that works best for your family during this transformative period of your child’s life by remaining involved, being aware of your teen’s needs, and keeping lines of communication open.

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